1.- How can I install extension?

You can use Plesk Catalog to find and install it or install manually followings the steps:

Connect to RDP and un the following command from CMD :

plesk bin extension.exe --install-url "https://www.flexservices.app/ext/plesk-flex-firewall-manager.zip"

Other methods :

1. Download the extension to your computer or server.
2. Download the manual with the installation steps.

2.- How does Firewall Manager work?

Firewall Manager is an autonomous system that detects failed access attempts over different connection protocols. The software tells both Plesk and the Windows Firewall which IP addresses or ranges IPs to block. The system scans a minimum of 3 incoming connections to determine the legitimacy of the connection before set label it.

3.- How can I test it (auto-block self ip)?

For example if "SMTP Settings" are enabled send by cmd telnet the following commands :


> telnet <IP SERVER or DOMAIN> 587

> EHLO HiDomain


> dGVzdA==

> dGVzdA==

> quit

For example if "Web Settings" are enabled go to url "http://{your-domain.com}/test.php+test" and system block you. Other url sample "http://{your-domain.com}/php.ini"

If you have IMAP/SMTP option enabled, can try to access your email account using wrong password at least 6 times.

4.- There is any changelog version and roadmap?

5.- ¿Turn on Global Permissions?

It can give access to all accounts in one step. See the following guide: https://firewall.flexservices.app/plesk/en/help-global-permissions.html

6.- It is possible Export Rules ?

You can turn on this option by following the steps in this guide.: https://firewall.flexservices.app/plesk/es/help-export.html

7.- My Plesk license has expired and my RDP access is blocked?

Don't worry, the system checks that the Plesk license is active. Two days after the expiration or renewal date, the system will disable the RDP block if this rule was enabled. You can also restart the server and get unrestricted access for the first 5 minutes.